Seven Streams Profile 

 Like a graceful vase, a cat, even when motionless, seems to flow.
 George F. Will




About Us

My daughter came home one day and asked her dad and I if she could bring a baby kitten home.  Her dad said absolutely not. She let us know that if the kitten couldn't move in, she was moving out. :)
  Needless to say, we had a new member of the family, named "Bear".  He added so much joy to our lives, that when he left one night and never came home, I was
devastated.  I couldn't get over him being gone, and knew I needed to get another cat.  So I began researching the internet, went to the Library and checked out numerous cat books and magazines, and was amazed at all the breeds available in the Cat World.  I really had no idea.

After thoroughly studying the different breeds, their appearance and characteristics, I decided the Norwegian Forest Cat most appealed to me.   And now, six cats later, with babies on the way, the fascination with this breed just continues to grow. 

Below find some of the history, appearance, and characteristics of these wonderful cats.


Norwegian Forest Cat Profile

          The Norwegian Forest Cats for me are a continuation of my
Isabella's Realm journey, which is "A Page Out of the Past."
The NFC is truly a page out of the past, emerging centuries ago from Scandinavia. 
In their early history they  roamed the rugged Norwegian hills and forests,
exploring their world with the Vikings. 
Early mythology speaks of a cat so large and heavy
even the god Thor couldn't lift it. 
 This reminds me of my Gandalf.

The cats we see today spring out of this rich history. 
These are large, heavy boned cats, the males weighing from 12 to 20 pounds, with the females usually weighing less, though sometimes they can achieve the same size. 
 In order to survive the harshest of winters, they developed
 thick, wooly undercoats, with an outer "raincoat" called guard hairs,
which protects them from the rain and snow. 
The ears and feet are well- tufted, for further insulation from the elements.

The heavily muscled rear legs, longer than the front legs, fit them for
climbing the tallest trees, and leaping high off the ground. 
(This also reminds me of Gandalf). 
I hope to get some good pictures and maybe even
a video of Gandalf and his high leaps.

Wegies have a reputation for bonding with one person, and all of my cats
 have bonded with me, but their hearts are also big enough
for other family members, or frequent guests. 
They are also not known as "lap cats", but I have six cats,
and all six are lap cats in the first degree.  They take turns. 
They also like to be very close.  When I lay on my bed to read,
I will have 3 or 4 or 5 of them all snuggled up to me,
as close to my face as they can get. Alasse perches on my hip. 
 I am never cold anymore.  :)

They get along superbly with each other as well,
and don't seem the least threatened by other dogs or cats, just interested. 
They love and need attention, and if you are a person
who works all day outside your home,
I would recommend more than one cat so they will have company.

Having a Wegie is almost like having two cats in one.
From Fall to Springtime, their coats are heavy, with their beautiful
manes and abundant accessories.  Sometime in late Spring, they drop
their wooly undercoat, usually shed their manes, and look very sleek
and elegant.  You would hardly know they were the same cat.

  The perfect Norwegian Forest Cat, for which we all aim as breeders,
has a triangular head, with large, heavily tufted ears and paws. 
The wooly, thick undercoat, with long, fully developed knickers and ruff,
and the sleek and soft outer guard hairs make for a double coat. 
Their tail is the icing on the cake for me...very long (at least as long as the body)
and fully plumed.  The open, expressive eyes are almond shaped,
gold, green, or hazel, (sometimes blue and odd-eyed in white cats),
slanting upward toward the ears slightly.  The profile is long and straight.  
Add to this heavy boning, and a firm chin,
and we have the ideal Norwegian Forest Cat.

Actually, very few cats meet the breed standard perfectly.
Our goal is to take the best we have, and breed to the best we have,
and hope for the best.  By utilizing the raw food diet, over a period
of generations, we are hoping to produce, larger, healthier, and more
beautiful cats as time goes on.

Cats thrive on consistency and familiarity,
and are often confused and distressed by
changes in their little worlds.

Norwegian Forest you can't have just one!

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